Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Opinions of the 2004 presidential candidates on:

Foreign Policy

Republican Party-George W. Bush and Dick Cheney
Favors increased military spending.
Favors military action regardless of international popularity
Opposes removal of trade sanctions against Cuba

Democratic Party-John F. Kerry and John Edwards
Opposes missile defense spending
Opposes US unilateralism with regards to military action; believes pre-emptive strikes must pass a “global test”
Supports free trade agreements where labor and environmental standards are included/enforced

Green Party- David Cobb and Pat LaMarche
Favors increased US participation in UN peacekeeping missions
Opposes NAFTA and WTO; favors including worker and human rights in trade agreements
Favors greatly decreased military spending

Libertarian Party- Micheal Badnarik and Richard Campagna
Opposes foreign aid of any kind
Strongly opposes interventionist military policy
Strongly opposes WTO, NAFTA, GATT; “Peace and free trade are mutually dependent.”

Better Life Party-Ralph Nader and Peter Miguel Camejo
Strongly opposes globalization of trade
Strongly opposes increased military budget
Favors UN approval for military action


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