Thursday, October 28, 2004

FYS-the Family Drama
Evan Mowry

In 1972 a security guard called the police on some trespassers at the Watergate hotel in Washington D.D. They were discovered to have been placing wiretaps and photographing documents. This was curious because the rooms they had broken into were the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee.
McCord was identified as a CIA agent, and Hunt was a previous White House employee.
The FBI began to investigate. During the investigation, a tape was discovered that contained a conversation, involving President Nixon and his chief of Staff Bob Halderman, in which Nixon ordered Halderman to use the CIA to slow the investigation of CREEP (Committee to Re Elect the President), the organization that was then under investigation for the Watergate break-ins.
The burglars refused to cooperate at trial, so the judge offered more lenient sentencing for cooperation. McCord accepted the offer, and admitted that the crime was under the direction of CREEP. This prompted a Senate investigation.
During the investigation, Nixon claimed Executive Privilege over the tapes, but was overruled and forced to bring them. They were discovered erased, which was blamed on a secretary. However, it would have been impossible for the secretary to accidentally erase the tapes when she had a phone call, and forensics discovered the tapes had been erased eight or nine times.
Nixon was indicated as a co-conspirator, because of all this, to the CIA meddling with the Watergate investigation. An impeachment process was begun, but Republican senators told him there were enough votes to impeach him and he resigned instead.
Because of Watergate, the Freedom of Information Act was passed, as well as many examples of Campaign Finance Reform. Also, Woodward and Bernstein, the first reporters to exhaustively cover the whole issue, became very famous. They never revealed their anonymous contact inside the White House, code named “deep throat”.


Thursday, October 21, 2004

FYS-Family Observation

Family Observation
FYS-the Family Drama
Evan Mowry

2:30 pm

Oakwood Mall, Eau Claire, WI

Sitting in Food Court, right next to Sbarro. Family begins in line at Burger King, ends up three tables away, more to the center of the table area. Very loud, lots of people around.

Father, Mother, two very small twin boys and a slightly older girl. Boys looked about five or six, and girl about nine. Parents middle aged-early forties.

Father had jeans, plaid button up shirt tucked in, work jacket, navy-blue trucker hat. Slightly overweight-trucker on break with family.

Mother had slacks and tucked in white shirt with horizontal yellow stripes. Hair was blond with dark roots, puffed up bangs.

Daughter had curly blond hair, and was wearing a red plaid dress with a white long sleeved shirt under.

Twins had sweat pants (grey), with matching yu-gi-oh sweaters.

The dad just stood around looking at the menu, while the mom helped the girl decide what she wanted. The girl stood still the whole time they were at the counter; the twins were swinging on the ropes and running into their parents.

The father was distant, but took charge every once in a while when the twins got close to him; he’d grab them and be semi-stern, and then go back to the menu. The mom was very focused on the girl and on ordering; she only ever dealt with the twins when they got too far away from the rest of the family or they bumped into a stranger. The girl was very demure and thoughtful; she was very focused on ordering.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

You Can’t Take It With You-Writing Assignment
FYS-the Family Drama
Evan Mowry

Part One:

Christmas has always been a very clock-work phenomenon for my family. Every year we switch off between my dad’s side of the family and my mom’s; going to New York or Colorado; whichever was scheduled for the only holiday we really celebrated outside the immediate family. In 8th grade, however, we broke the chain. My aunt and cousin were moving from Colorado to Hawaii that year, and hadn’t the time for us to visit. So, we changed plans and bought plane tickets to Ithaca.
This was the first time I remember ever not going to Mary and Jessica’s when we were supposed to. It felt kind of odd; visiting the wrong people.
All the Christmases at my grandparents are roughly the same in the manner I remember them. Their house is always very warm, and the outside is always blanketed in snow. New York is beautiful in the winter. There are calendars with pictures of red birds perched on branches with frozen red berries; well, that is what New York is like. It is the picturesque east-coast winter at its finest.
We always take the same route to my grandparents’ house from the airport, past their old house. For as long as I can remember they had lived in that house, and there were brilliant antiques on the walls and in glass cabinets, an ancient piano that was always perfectly in tune, and a cozy downstairs where no one went; a place I could escape to. I remember watching Star Trek: the Next Generation every night in that downstairs every year I was there.
My grandparents had moved out of that house and into a semi-assisted living cottage because of their health. They were getting too old to walk up and down the stairs every day to get to the cars, and the kitchen was miniscule; they could no longer safely cook. Every time we went to their new home, at least the first time each trip, we would drive by their old house and I’d stare at it through the window. I was always glad that the new owners didn’t decorate it gaudily; just some modest white lights around the shrubs in front, and a pine wreath on the door.
So, for a second or two, amidst all the semi-small talk that normally happens when you get into a car with people you haven’t seen in ages, I would be quiet and watch the house, and then turn to the right quickly to catch the Evans’ house on the other side of the road.
The cottage is always softly lit; the walls are cream colored and all the antique lampshades and under-powered lamps make the walls glow slightly warm, milky light. All the brass figurines and decorative plates and other nick-nacks from all over the world that have accumulated in this house, and have seemed gaudy before, really glow. My Christmases are always either brass or white; brass at my grandparents and a cold, healthy white at home.
My aunt was there, and gave us hugs when we came in. She always acts kind of expectantly; a little unsure of herself, even though she is a very confident person. Nancy is really the only one of my relatives that I identify with; she enjoys living “hippie-rich”; her house is full of clay and wood and woven rugs, and is creaky. She wears comfortable clothes that are kind of dressy, and she’s happy with her work and hobbies. Not very many people are both, as I’ve found, but that’s one thing I really need for myself; whatever I do, I have to enjoy it for it to be long term. If it’s not, it won’t get done.
Her hugs smell like sandalwood and lavender, and she always has a little “how about these silly old folks?” smile for me.
Usually we just settle down and watch the news the first night. My grandparents only watch the news on TV. Even though they were one of the first people in the city of Ithaca to buy a color TV, and the first to buy a TV at all, they hardly ever watch it. I sat in the kitchen and watched that television, because I didn’t really find the news interesting when I was in eighth grade. The plastic chairs they have you have to sit down completely in, as their very flexible: I’ve smacked my chin on the counter more than a few times because I’ve kneeled on them and the legs have buckled.
Their kitchen is always empty, and my sister and I always find a very depressing, nearly empty, flat bottle of root beer in the fridge. In four Christmases out of five that I can remember, we’ve dumped away a lot of flat root beer. Four because four times it was root beer, and once it was ginger ale.
After dinner, before we go to bed, the kids (my sister and I, basically), get to open one present. Nothing portentous has ever been unwrapped by my hand, but there used to be something magical about starting early.
The rest of the night goes by in a blur. I never’ve paid much attention to what my parents do Christmas night. Usually they’re in their room, unpacking and wrapping presents. I lay awake reading back issues of National Geographic from the sixties and seventies, articles that I’ve read many times before. Finally, once the tiny space heater warms up the frigid three-season porch, I drift off to sleep.
My eight grade Christmas was different from all the others because of Rock music, and for this same reason it was the most important.
I had saved up enough, just around Thanksgiving, to buy a cd player, and I was starting to buy my own cds instead of listening to the top 40 countdown wherever I went. I got a few cds for Christmas: the Matrix Soundtrack and some others, and I spent the next day listening to them. My grandpa even became angry, telling me I could listen to my own music on my headphones, but if I was going to use their stereo I had to listen to older stuff. He tried to push Gilbert and Sullivan on me! The Pirates of Penzance? As if.
My eighth grade Christmas was important in this respect because I became a self-aware person. No longer was I a unit of my family, I was a revolutionary! I don’t really know if it was because of the actual music or just me, beginning to branch out on my own, but whatever it was, it really hit hard. I felt hostile to my grandparents and parents and didn’t feel guilty about feeling that way. It was liberating.
These gifts we give on Christmas, because of the setting we give them in, have tremendous potential, and indeed so do gifts given at any time. In giving me something that separated me from my family so dramatically in my own eyes, my parents began, in a way, my adulthood.

Part Two:

My family sits down at least three or four times a week and watches hour-long, primetime dramas. That is our hobby, and that is the thing that we do, together. I didn’t really understand it until recently; I was always just irritated that I had to sit through Judging Amy before I could watch stupid sitcoms on FOX, but now I realize that that was what bound us together during the week.
On the weekends we did chores; on Sunday, homework and we went to church. All of these activities were relatively solitary in nature. But during the week, regardless of how busy we were with school or work or anything, we would always watch the West Wing, ER, Judging Amy, Ed, etc. It was when we came together, and frequently replaced our family dinner as “family time” during the day.
I think that when I started playing on the computer instead of watching the TV I kind of ruined that dynamic. I was no longer privy to the plot of the show which, in a sense, stood for the “plot” of my family. My sister, however, either enjoyed the shows or the sense of family she got when watching them, and she continued watching. While I was fighting for my rights (as I saw it) since before high school, my sister has only just begun to (in her sophomore year). True, I am a more volatile person and am much more likely to speak out when I think I should be able to do something, but I think that the shows have something to do with it; because she stayed with the family for longer, she developed a more sophisticated dialogue with them that allowed her to not have to fight to get her way.

You Can’t Take It With You, as the title implies, is a play emphasizing a contentedness in life over success. This coming at the time of the Great Depression was a very important message for the American public, and it still resonates with Americans today.
America has long since projected an image of economic success. Immigrants come to this country to make a better life for their children or themselves because they see it as a land of opportunity. During the Great Depression, however, there was little opportunity or economic success. YCTIWY’s message was important to people because it gave them hope for happiness by redirecting their focus from money to connections or, put more simply, love. When Grandpa explains to Mr. Kirby that he’s a much happier man for having quit, and Kirby allows himself to merely stay in the house, you breath a sigh of relief. It’s like you can see him getting saved, right there.
The message is still just as relevant as it was in the thirties. While society may have changed, people haven’t, and the same things are still the most important; family, love, and beauty consistently supersede money as the focal points of our lives. The only reason I remember some of my gifts from that Christmas I wrote of above is because they were catalysts that changed my family dynamic. If they hadn’t, they wouldn’t have stuck in my mind.

Part Three:

In 1917, two political revolutions rocked the Russian nation. The first, in February, came as a result of general starvation and dissatisfaction stemming from Russia’s involvement with World War I. Protests, led by the Bolshevik (communist) party, forced the abdication of Nicholas II when they became violent. The second, in October, was the result of Vladimir Lenin and his political consorts and their leftist, communist views. The provisional government was overthrown and the Soviet Union was formed.

Leon Trotsky was one of the foremost theorists of Marxism during the Russian Revolution and after. He held great power in the Soviet Union, until the death of Vladimir Lenin, after which he was removed from office and exiled, later to be killed, by Joseph Stalin.
During the Revolution, Trotsky was a premier Bolshevik party member, and served on the Bolshevik Central Committee. He personally led military resistance to the Kerensky-led government attempt at retaking Petrograd. Afterward, he was opposed to a coalition government that included the more liberal revolutionaries.
When he fell from power and was exiled, he moved from country to country, eventually settling in Mexico at the invitation of Diego Rivera. He was killed by a Stalinist agent in 1940; an ice pick driven into his skull by a Stalinist agent.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Opinions of the 2004 presidential candidates on:

Foreign Policy

Republican Party-George W. Bush and Dick Cheney
Favors increased military spending.
Favors military action regardless of international popularity
Opposes removal of trade sanctions against Cuba

Democratic Party-John F. Kerry and John Edwards
Opposes missile defense spending
Opposes US unilateralism with regards to military action; believes pre-emptive strikes must pass a “global test”
Supports free trade agreements where labor and environmental standards are included/enforced

Green Party- David Cobb and Pat LaMarche
Favors increased US participation in UN peacekeeping missions
Opposes NAFTA and WTO; favors including worker and human rights in trade agreements
Favors greatly decreased military spending

Libertarian Party- Micheal Badnarik and Richard Campagna
Opposes foreign aid of any kind
Strongly opposes interventionist military policy
Strongly opposes WTO, NAFTA, GATT; “Peace and free trade are mutually dependent.”

Better Life Party-Ralph Nader and Peter Miguel Camejo
Strongly opposes globalization of trade
Strongly opposes increased military budget
Favors UN approval for military action

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Othello-Play Synopsis Presentation
Intro to Theater
Evan Mowry, Anthony Brown, Shannon Munstenteiger, Hayden

There are many different themes that could be discussed in Othello. However, there are two main consistencies that run throughout the play, and are integral to its longevity as a literary work. One of the themes is “romantic love vs. lust” and the other “black vs. white”.
In the play, Othello is romantically in love with Desdemona. In A1S2 he even states that he is in love with her. Iago, however, is lustful of her. The main catalyst for conflict is Iago’s dysfunctional point of view regarding his feelings for Desdemona.
The other prevalent theme in this play, black vs. white, can be interpreted as a struggle between good and evil, and manifests itself in racist symbolism. A moor (black person), it is stated throughout the play, is a horrible, alien thing that is somehow not good for a presumably white girl. In A1S1 Iago galvanizes Brabrantio into action by remarking that, as they speak, “an old black ram is tupping your white ewe!”

The diction of Othello is very Shakespearean, and is dissimilar to the style of speech in contemporary times.
Shakespeare wrote his plays in iambic pentameter, which is a form in which each line is composed of 10 syllables, with the emphasis falling on the second, fourth, sixth, eighth, and tenth syllables.
The word use in Othello is very different from what one would hear nowadays. Not only is the order of the words in some lines messed up to allow a better flow, but words were sometimes shortened drastically, omitting a syllable.
With regards to the individual characters in Othello, all speak with roughly the same diction. Of course, directors and performers may take their own direction regarding the specifics of attitude, volume, timing, etc, it is meant to have a roughly uniform type of speech.

The play begins with the revelation that Iago has been passed over for a promotion in favor of Othello. He decides to cause mischief, and so decides to tell Desdemona’s father, Brabrantio, that she is sleeping with Othello. Iago hopes that by causing enough conflict, Othello and Desdemona will not be able to be together, and he’ll have revenge.
Othello is redeemed in the eyes of the senate for his affair with Desdemona when we learn that the Turks are attacking Cyprus, and his help is needed in driving them back.
When all the characters thus far get to Cyprus, the Turks’ ships have been destroyed in a storm. Iago, with the help of his friend, Roderigo, decides that to truly tear apart Othello and Desdemona he’ll have to call their love of each other into question. He hatches a plan to frame Cassio and Desdemona as having an affair.
After a night of drinking, Iago convinces Roderigo (easy to do, considering Roderigo’s obsession with Desdemona) to attack Cassio. Cassio fights back and kills Montano in the ensuing duel. Othello arrives, and is forced to visit judgement upon his most trusted local guardsman, stripping Cassio of rank.
Cassio enlists Iago to help him and Desdemona restore his good name and title. Iago intimates to Othello that he believes Desdemona is helping Cassio because of an affair. He plants a handkerchief, given to Desdemona by Othello, in the house of a prostitute, who is a lady friend of Cassio, in order to incriminate him.
Othello observes a meeting between Cassio and Iago, in which he does not realize that they are speaking of the prostitute, but instead thinks they are discussing Desdemona. He becomes enraged when Cassio admits to sleeping with her after Iago queries him about the handkerchief.
Othello is recalled to Venice, and becomes violent with Desdemona after hearing that Cassio has been chosen to assume command in Cyprus.
Iago convinces Roderigo to attack Cassio in order to prevent Othello and Desdemona from leaving. Roderigo attacks Cassio, and they are both wounded. Othello, overhearing, thinks that Cassio is dead and heads for home. After Lodovico stumbles upon the scene, Iago returns and kills Roderigo to cover up his crime.
Othello, after flying into a jealous, confused rage, smothers Desdemona. Emilia, the wife of Iago, enters with the news that it is Roderigo, not Cassio, that is dead, only to speak with Desdemona and have her die in her arms.
Iago and Montano enter, and, through a slip of Emilia’s tongue, learns the truth about the handkerchief. Iago, enraged that his machinations are bared, kills Emilia and flees.
Iago is captured, and Othello commits suicide after realizing he killed his own, innocent wife. Iago is handed over to Cassio for sentencing.

The major characters of Othello are Othello, Cassio, Iago, Desdemona, and, to a lesser extent, Emilia, Roderigo, and Bianca.
Othello is a foreign warrior living in Venice. He is a war hero, and is considered their greatest general. Othello is very honorable, but also extremely passionate.
Cassio is a lieutenant of the Cyprus Guard. He is very loyal, and loves his general very much, and is more confused than anything when he is suddenly cast out of his lord’s favor.
Iago is the villain of the play. He is scheming and diabolical, and not an ethical person.
Desdemona is a daughter of the Venetian upper-class. She causes a stir when she marries Othello, and is, like Cassio, loyal to the point of idiocy.
Emilia and Bianca are not so much characters as they are plot elements. Bianca is necessary for the handkerchief device to work, and Emilia is required to reveal all at the end of the play, and also to establish Iago as not only manipulative but evil.

The minor characters in Othello are Brabrantio, the Duke of Venice, Montano, Lodovico, and Gratiano.
Brabrantio is the father of Desdemona, and behaves like one would expect an upper-crust merchant to. He is quite selfish, and quick to act, but has only his daughter’s interests in his (distorted) mind.
The Duke of Venice is the ruler of Venice, and is very level-headed and intelligent. He has great confidence in Othello, and in his romance with Desdemona.
Montano is the governor of Cyprus, and is like a more active version of the Duke of Venice. He is a great admirer of Othello.
Lodovico is a Venetian nobleman, and an active peacemaker. He alone both witnesses the change in Othello’s behavior towards Desdemona and comments on it.
Gratiano is a poorly developed character, and generally just hangs around.

Our take on Othello takes place in pre-World War I era Italy. The set and costumes reflect the just-being-industrialized contrast between the average person and the military.
The men in the play all wear either loose, peasant-like clothes, in earthy tones and white, that were common in Europe at that time, or day suits. The suits are either grey or a dull blue, or brown. At night they are attired either in black suits or tuxedos.
Any of the city guard, and also Othello and Iago, wear a dark grey military uniform. Not all that fancy, their uniforms are functional and…well, uniform. Caps are worn, and are similar to peaked naval caps, and match the uniforms’ color. All the younger, fit men carry swords, and the richer of them have pistols. Roderigo is not rich, but has acquired a crummy pistol.
The women are wearing period summer dresses, and carry parasols. Both sexes wear period underwear/bedclothes; that is to say, there is a lot of fabric, and almost more fluffy lace, with the women donning bonnets at night.
The scenery contains a lot of standard, Venetian imagery. Cobblestones and white-washed buildings, some made with wattle and daub, are the standard, with the occasional exception of a fountain or marble statue. Much of the play takes place outside, and the set should be designed so that much of the play can be acted out without a scenery change.
Scenes that take place in Othello’s bedroom and the Duke’s court in Venice should be dominated by marble, and accentuated by columns, with Victorian furniture.

There are the occasional gun shot and sword clash in our play, as well as singing. Gun shots can easily be done with blanks, and sword clashes with actual swords. The singing is all when the singer is drunk, and not alone. They are accompanied by a sailor’s accordion, and are not to any specific tune (a tune is played on the accordion, but not followed by the intoxicated singer).
Ambience is a concern for this play, as it takes place when records and record players were first coming into affordability. During appropriate scenes (ie, indoor), opera or classical music should be played, onstage, as a backdrop for the dialogue. Also, the scene when Othello and company arrive in Cyprus should be accompanied by synthetic sounds such as bells clanging, hammers, sailors, yelling about fish, perhaps even steam blasts, etc, as it takes place on the dock.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

David Cobb on Abortion
Click here for the full quote on Abortion OR other candidates on Abortion OR background on Abortion.

* Full reproductive freedom for women. (Jul 2004)

David Cobb on Budget & Economy
Click here for other candidates on Budget & Economy OR background on Budget & Economy.

No stance on record.

David Cobb on Civil Rights
Click here for 4 full quotes on Civil Rights OR other candidates on Civil Rights OR background on Civil Rights.

* US history is constant struggle for more democracy. (Jul 2004)
* Affirmative action for people of color and women. (Jul 2004)
* Support Native Peoples to protect their treaty rights. (Jul 2004)
* Marriage equality for lesbians and gays. (Jul 2004)

David Cobb on Corporations
Click here for 3 full quotes on Corporations OR other candidates on Corporations OR background on Corporations.

* Priorities include ending transnational corporate empire. (Jul 2004)
* Abolish the legal doctrine of "corporate personhood". (May 2004)
* Revoke charters when corporations flagrantly violate law. (Nov 2002)

David Cobb on Crime
Click here for 4 full quotes on Crime OR other candidates on Crime OR background on Crime.

* Criminal justice system permeated with race & class bias. (Jul 2004)
* No private, for-profit prisons. (Jul 2004)
* More community policing; more inmate job training. (May 2004)
* Eliminate the death penalty. (May 2004)

David Cobb on Drugs
Click here for 2 full quotes on Drugs OR other candidates on Drugs OR background on Drugs.

* Decriminalize minor possession of marijuana. (May 2004)
* War on drugs is war on our civil liberties. (May 2004)

David Cobb on Education
Click here for other candidates on Education OR background on Education.

No stance on record.

David Cobb on Energy & Oil
Click here for 3 full quotes on Energy & Oil OR other candidates on Energy & Oil OR background on Energy & Oil.

* Move towards energy independence from renewable sources. (Jul 2004)
* Subsidize clean renewables instead of oil & nuclear. (Jul 2004)
* $300B per year to fund clean energy in poor countries. (Jul 2004)

David Cobb on Environment
Click here for other candidates on Environment OR background on Environment.

No stance on record.

David Cobb on Families & Children
Click here for other candidates on Families & Children OR background on Families & Children.

No stance on record.

David Cobb on Foreign Policy
Click here for the full quote on Foreign Policy OR other candidates on Foreign Policy OR background on Foreign Policy.

* More US participation in UN peacekeeping missions. (May 2004)

David Cobb on Free Trade
Click here for 3 full quotes on Free Trade OR other candidates on Free Trade OR background on Free Trade.

* Withdraw from NAFTA and CAFTA. (Jul 2004)
* Marched in Seattle against the WTO. (Jul 2004)
* Include human rights and worker rights in trade deals. (May 2004)

David Cobb on Government Reform
Click here for 3 full quotes on Government Reform OR other candidates on Government Reform OR background on Government Reform.

* Voters Bill of Rights: clean elections, ballot access, more. (Jul 2004)
* Proponent of Instant Runoff Voting. (Jul 2004)
* No corporate campaign donations. (Jul 2004)

David Cobb on Gun Control
Click here for 2 full quotes on Gun Control OR other candidates on Gun Control OR background on Gun Control.

* Ban assault weapons; require licenses; track fingerprints. (May 2004)
* A gun owner who supports reasonable gun safety laws. (May 2004)

David Cobb on Health Care
Click here for 2 full quotes on Health Care OR other candidates on Health Care OR background on Health Care.

* Publicly funded, universal health care insurance. (Jul 2004)
* Health care is a right. (May 2004)

David Cobb on Homeland Security
Click here for 2 full quotes on Homeland Security OR other candidates on Homeland Security OR background on Homeland Security.

* Greatly Decrease Funding on missile defense. (Aug 2004)
* Greatly decrease all military funding. (May 2004)

David Cobb on Immigration
Click here for the full quote on Immigration OR other candidates on Immigration OR background on Immigration.

* Amnesty for undocumented immigrants after 3 years. (Jul 2004)

David Cobb on Jobs
Click here for the full quote on Jobs OR other candidates on Jobs OR background on Jobs.

* Organized union events for Teamsters, steelworkers, and UCFW. (Jul 2004)

David Cobb on Principles & Values
Click here for 7 full quotes on Principles & Values OR other candidates on Principles & Values OR background on Principles & Values.

* Pursuing "smart states" strategy (no swing states). (Aug 2004)
* Green party wins by disseminating message. (Jul 2004)
* Rejects "spoiler" argument and rejects Electoral College. (Jul 2004)
* Build the Green Party and help get Bush out. (Jun 2004)
* Challenges Kerry on issues, but acknowledges Bush is worse. (Jun 2004)
* Coordinated Nader 2000 campaign in Texas. (Nov 2002)
* Former member of Pipeline Workers Local Union. (Nov 2002)

David Cobb on Social Security
Click here for the full quote on Social Security OR other candidates on Social Security OR background on Social Security.

* Increase payroll tax but allow some self-investment. (May 2004)

David Cobb on Tax Reform
Click here for the full quote on Tax Reform OR other candidates on Tax Reform OR background on Tax Reform.

* Increase taxes on wealthy; decrease taxes on poor. (Aug 2004)

David Cobb on Technology
Click here for other candidates on Technology OR background on Technology.

No stance on record.

David Cobb on War & Peace
Click here for 3 full quotes on War & Peace OR other candidates on War & Peace OR background on War & Peace.

* Mission Accomplished has turned into Mission Impossible. (May 2004)
* All US troops out of Iraq, unless UN and Iraq say so. (Apr 2004)
* US in Iraq is arrogant, bullying, & unnecessarily violent. (Apr 2004)

David Cobb on Welfare & Poverty
Click here for other candidates on Welfare & Poverty OR background on Welfare & Poverty.

No stance on record.

Ralph Nader on Abortion
Click here for 5 full quotes on Abortion OR other candidates on Abortion OR background on Abortion.

* If Roe is reversed, decision just reverts to the states. (Sep 2002)
* Threats to overturn Roe are “scare tactics”. (Nov 2000)
* Women should decide whether to use RU-486, not government. (Oct 2000)
* No government role; let women privately decide. (May 2000)
* Roe v Wade is safe; GOP must back off pushing it. (Feb 2000)

Ralph Nader on Budget & Economy
Click here for 12 full quotes on Budget & Economy OR other candidates on Budget & Economy OR background on Budget & Economy.

* Jobs lost may not be replaced by new ones. (Jul 2003)
* 47 million full-time workers make less than $10 an hour. (Oct 2000)
* Use surplus to rebuild country & provide for communal needs. (Oct 2000)
* Top priorities: Infrastructure; poverty; preventive health. (Jul 2000)
* High gas prices are the fruit of corporate power. (Jun 2000)
* People indicators are down despite good economic indicators. (May 2000)
* Two-tiered economy is unhealthy & troubling. (May 2000)
* Allow citizen lawsuits for waste in govt spending. (Feb 2000)
* The economy is down, when measured by human yardsticks. (Feb 2000)
* Fed worries wrongly about wage inflation over profits. (Nov 1999)
* Spend surplus on public works & infrastructure. (Jul 1999)
* GNP fails to measure quality of life. (Dec 1995)

Ralph Nader on Civil Rights
Click here for 12 full quotes on Civil Rights OR other candidates on Civil Rights OR background on Civil Rights.

* Get rid of gay discrimination fully, not halfway. (Jul 2004)
* African Americans progress is too slow-we can do better. (Mar 2004)
* Women are still second-class citizens in school athletics. (Jan 2003)
* Truth and reconciliation commission for Native Americans. (Aug 2000)
* Disagrees with ACLU on spending money as free speech. (Feb 2000)
* Supports “impenetrable protection of privacy”. (Oct 1996)
* Differentiate discriminatory justice from indiscriminate. (Oct 1996)
* Political discourse narrows when media serves Mammon. (Dec 1995)
Gay Rights
* Nader supports gay marriage; but gay groups support Gore. (Nov 2000)
* Equal gay rights, including civil union. (Oct 2000)
* Supports Civil Union in Vermont and elsewhere. (May 2000)
* Long history of fighting in sexual politics. (Feb 2000)

Ralph Nader on Corporations
Click here for 35 full quotes on Corporations OR 2 older headlines OR other candidates on Corporations OR background on Corporations.

* No eminent domain gifts to private enterprises. (Aug 2004)
* Legislative "tort deform" for consumers, not corporations. (Jul 2004)
* Economic powers control our lives and our elections. (Jul 2004)
* Capitalism can lead to fascism. (Jul 2004)
* Corporations should not legally be counted as individuals. (Jul 2004)
* Giant corporations roam the Earth making people into serfs. (Jul 2004)
* Consumerism is about corporations vs. citizens. (Sep 2002)
* Shift power from corporations to consumers. (Oct 2000)
Auto Safety
* Auto safety devices are simple & cheap; but take years. (Oct 2000)
* Safety regulation works; but Auto Safety Agency sold out. (Oct 2000)
* More regulation for auto safety, with criminal penalties. (Oct 2000)
* Cancel R&D giveaways to auto industry; let them do it. (Oct 2000)
* Gore has given auto industry and other polluters a free ride. (Oct 2000)
* Motor vehicles are the greatest environmental hazard. (Feb 2000)
* DOT: Focus on safety and mass transit. (Oct 1996)
* Automakers avoid replacing internal combustion engines. (Dec 1995)
Consumer Rights
* Help for ordinary people should replace corporate welfare. (Sep 2000)
* Address corporate crimes piecemeal AND by revoking charters. (Feb 2000)
* Stop giving corporations the same rights as people. (Dec 1995)
Corporate Welfare
* Scrutinize even “good” corporate welfare which helps public. (Oct 2000)
* Corporate welfare is a function of political corruption. (Oct 2000)
* S&L bailout helped bankers & hurt consumers. (Oct 2000)
* Rules needed for examining & challenging corporate welfare. (Oct 2000)
* Disallow benefits to companies except for public purposes. (Oct 2000)
* Stadiums & other local tax abatements ignore small business. (Oct 2000)
* Federal regulation of state & local abatements & subsidies. (Oct 2000)
* Bailouts: require payback; practice prevention by regulation. (Oct 2000)
* Legislation to eliminate all corporate welfare. (Oct 2000)
* $1000 bounty for suing for abuse of corporate welfare. (Oct 2000)
* Big business influence hurts democracy. (Jun 2000)
* Corporate sponsorship turns debates into beer commercials. (Jun 2000)
* Corporate government has hijacked political leadership. (Feb 2000)
* States & the public should oppose corporate tax breaks. (Apr 1999)
* Role of government is to counteract power of corporations. (Apr 1996)
* Coined the term “corporate welfare”. (Jul 1995)

Ralph Nader on Crime
Click here for 12 full quotes on Crime OR other candidates on Crime OR background on Crime.

* Crime in the suites worse than crime in the streets. (Sep 2002)
* Decreasing unemployment reduces crime; not enforcement. (Aug 2000)
* Death penalty does not deter. (Aug 2000)
* Moratorium on executions. (Aug 2000)
* Some executed by death penalty were innocent. (Jul 2000)
* Pollution & toxic exposure cause more deaths than homicide. (Jun 2000)
* Death penalty does not deter & is discriminatory. (Jun 2000)
* Focus on crime prevention instead of harsher sentences. (Jun 2000)
* Police must follow the law too. (May 2000)
* Product liability suits are a pillar of democracy. (Mar 1996)
* Lawyers & victims need unlimited contingency fees. (Mar 1996)
* Regulatory agencies are needed to fight corporate crime. (Dec 1995)

Ralph Nader on Drugs
Click here for 9 full quotes on Drugs OR other candidates on Drugs OR background on Drugs.

* Rehabilitation, not incarceration. (Jul 2004)
* Women targeted by tobacco and alcohol companies. (Feb 2003)
* Failed War on Drugs endangers communities. (Oct 2000)
* Legalize marijuana, and treat addiction as a health problem. (Sep 2000)
* Treat hemp like poppy seeds, not like heroin. (Sep 2000)
* Remove industrial hemp from DEA drug list. (Jun 2000)
* Replace Drug War with treatment and alternative sentencing. (Jun 2000)
* Supports legalization of industrial hemp. (May 2000)
* Solution to addiction is information, not prohibition. (Oct 1994)

Ralph Nader on Education
Click here for 6 full quotes on Education OR other candidates on Education OR background on Education.

* Abandon standardized testing; focus on teaching civic skills. (Oct 2000)
* Invest in K-12 education; that will reduce poverty. (Jun 2000)
* Teach democratic principles & citizenship in schools. (Feb 2000)
* Kick Channel One & commercialism out of class. (May 1999)
* Focus on civic & consumer education. (Oct 1996)
School Choice
* Support choice within public schools. (Jun 2000)

Ralph Nader on Energy & Oil
Click here for 6 full quotes on Energy & Oil OR other candidates on Energy & Oil OR background on Energy & Oil.

* Kyoto treaty is so watered down there’s nothing to fight for. (Nov 2000)
* Drilling Alaska is a temporary fix for an inebriated system. (Oct 2000)
* More renewables & more efficency to stave off global warming. (Jul 2000)
* Raise CAFE standards; treat SUVs like cars. (Jul 2000)
* Congress should revive energy policies before crisis. (Oct 1999)
* Promote energy independence to avoid foreign wars. (Oct 1996)

Ralph Nader on Environment
Click here for 9 full quotes on Environment OR other candidates on Environment OR background on Environment.

* Charge agribusiness for water; stop charging more to people. (Oct 2000)
* Mining companies get free mines for campaign contributions. (Oct 2000)
* Highway pork leads to sprawl, air pollution, global warming. (Oct 2000)
* End all commercial logging in National Forests. (Jul 2000)
* Head off a genetic engineering rampage. (Feb 2000)
* Protect whistleblowers on health, safety, & pollution. (Feb 2000)
* Corporate collectivism leads toward ecological disaster. (Feb 2000)
* More funds to maintain National Park system. (Jul 1999)
* National corporate charters for environmental bankruptcy. (Mar 1996)

Ralph Nader on Families & Children
Click here for 8 full quotes on Families & Children OR other candidates on Families & Children OR background on Families & Children.

* Corporations are commercializing the world of the child. (Jul 2004)
* Democracy needs youth’s energy & participation. (Jun 2000)
* Commercialism & TV make childrearing more difficult. (Jun 2000)
* Support personal responsibility; teach dispute resolution. (Jun 2000)
* TV ads targeting kids are “electronic child molesting”. (Feb 2000)
* Corporate TV marketers are raising our kids. (Oct 1999)
* National speed limit saves lives. (Mar 1996)
* Commercial TV separates children from parents. (Dec 1995)

Ralph Nader on Foreign Policy
Click here for 8 full quotes on Foreign Policy OR other candidates on Foreign Policy OR background on Foreign Policy.

* Corporate activity destroys the third world. (Jul 2004)
* Redefine national purpose to solve Third World scourges. (Jun 2000)
* Support foreign peasants instead of foreign dictators. (Jun 2000)
* Support social and economic justice across the globe. (Jun 2000)
* Assist Russia & Israel in moving towards better governments. (Jun 2000)
* Selling arms is not a good way to conduct foreign affairs. (Feb 2000)
* Cuba: corporate sales of junk undermines their system. (Feb 2000)
* Support human rights as cornerstone of US foreign policy. (Jun 2000)

Ralph Nader on Free Trade
Click here for 17 full quotes on Free Trade OR other candidates on Free Trade OR background on Free Trade.

* Free trade isn't win-win: we're exporting jobs. (Jul 2003)
* High-tech jobs lost to foreign countries. (Jul 2003)
* NAFTA and GATT supersede national and state laws. (Sep 2002)
* Restrict IMF power, or abolish it. (Oct 2000)
* End export assistance; it’s corporate welfare. (Oct 2000)
* Renegotiate NAFTA & WTO “as if human beings mattered”. (Oct 2000)
* Subordinate the commercial to human rights, enviro, & labor. (Jul 2000)
* It’s not free trade; it’s corporate-managed trade. (Apr 2000)
* NAFTA failures: $50B Mexico bailout; 400,000 exported jobs. (Oct 1996)
* China & other dictatorships have no real free trade. (Jul 2000)
* Globalization is a betrayal of workers and environment. (Nov 2000)
* Seattle sparked movement to question corporate globalization. (Feb 2000)
* “Battle of Seattle” convinced president to reconsider WTO. (Dec 1999)
* Global trade concentrates power & homogenizes the globe. (Dec 1999)
* WTO’s “trade uber alles” hurts environment, health, & safety. (Dec 1999)
* A growing movement: international labor rights. (Aug 1999)
* Multinational corporations challenge democracy. (Oct 1994)

Ralph Nader on Government Reform
Click here for 27 full quotes on Government Reform OR 7 older headlines OR other candidates on Government Reform OR background on Government Reform.

* $13M for "educational" party conventions wastes tax dollars. (Jul 2004)
* The two parties are proxies for corporate government. (Jul 2004)
* Taking away votes from Democrats gains leverage. (Jul 2004)
* Advocate to allow people to vote "no confidence". (Jul 2004)
* Democracy gap: people must claim power, or the greedy will. (Jul 2004)
* Giving information to people overcomes propaganda. (Jul 2004)
* Change requires a critical mass of the involved. (Jul 2004)
* Presidential Debates designed to exclude third parties. (Jan 2004)
* Increase voting by weekend and holiday Election Days. (Sep 2002)
* Primary architect of Freedom of Information Act. (Sep 2002)
* Bush & Gore are same corporate party; would impeach Clinton. (Nov 2000)
* Don’t waste your vote: Gore & Bush only marginally differ. (Oct 2000)
* Supreme Court nominees should have a sense of justice. (Aug 2000)
* Nader in debates will draw out the “priceless truth”. (Aug 2000)
* Justices need sense of justice & sense of history. (Jul 2000)
* Allow voting for “None of the Above”. (Feb 2000)
* Empower citizens via accurate information from govt. (Feb 2000)
* Reinvent democracy via new tools for citizen empowerment. (Feb 2000)
* Concentrated party power weakens democracy. (Feb 2000)
* Focus on anti-trust enforcement to help small business. (Oct 1996)
* 100% publicly funded campaigns, by $100 tax checkoff. (Oct 1996)
* Government delivers more service than people realize. (Dec 1995)
Campaign Finance Reform
* Green Party does not take PAC, soft, or corporate cash. (Oct 2000)
* No private money in public campaigns. (Aug 2000)
* Spending campaign money is not free speech. (Feb 2000)
* Public campaign finance; 12-year term limits. (Feb 2000)
* Public election financing, with free TV & radio time. (Feb 2000)

Ralph Nader on Gun Control
Click here for 2 full quotes on Gun Control OR other candidates on Gun Control OR background on Gun Control.

* Support Brady Bill & thoughtful gun control. (Jun 2000)
* Supports trigger locks, licensing, & banning some guns. (Jun 2000)

Ralph Nader on Health Care
Click here for 17 full quotes on Health Care OR 4 older headlines OR other candidates on Health Care OR background on Health Care.

* 3.5% payroll tax to fund universal healthcare. (Sep 2002)
* Enforce fair drug prices if sponsored by govt research. (Oct 2000)
* Medicare prescriptions covered under universal health care. (Sep 2000)
* Price restraints on drugs; limit profiteering. (Sep 2000)
* Opposes assisted suicide laws for terminally ill. (Aug 2000)
* Cradle-to-grave health care better than Clinton’s plan. (Jul 2000)
* Use Canadian system as a model for US. (May 2000)
* Health care is a universal human right. (May 2000)
* Recast health care in a non-profit mode. (Mar 2000)
* Keep commercialism out of maternity wards. (Aug 1999)
* Make medicines affordable in Third World. (Jul 1999)
* Challenge the monetization of HMOs. (Jul 1999)
* HMO review procedures must be independent of HMOs. (Jul 1999)
* HMO plan: accountability, doctor-driven, independent review. (Jul 1999)
* Criticizes “sweetheart deal” for big tobacco. (Nov 1998)
* Let FDA regulate nicotine as an addictive drug. (Mar 1996)
* Tobacco is the world’s worst air pollutant. (Oct 1994)

Ralph Nader on Homeland Security
Click here for 17 full quotes on Homeland Security OR other candidates on Homeland Security OR background on Homeland Security.

* Weapons corporations indirectly control tax dollars. (Jan 2003)
* Bush attacks civil liberties while saying he defends them. (Oct 2002)
* Cut defense budget by $62B by reducing waste & fraud. (Sep 2002)
* Corporate welfare: taxpayers fund defense industry mergers. (Oct 2000)
* Deter wars by being attuned abroad. (Oct 2000)
* Kill F-22, Seawolf, Osprey, & other gold-plated weapons. (Oct 2000)
* Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell is discriminatory against gays. (Sep 2000)
* SDI doesn’t work; money better spent elsewhere. (Jul 2000)
* Stop using weapons sales to determine foreign policy. (Jun 2000)
* Stop spending on unneeded weapons & non-existent enemies. (Jun 2000)
* Cut defense budget by $100B; time to demobilize. (May 2000)
* Stop unneeded defense of prosperous countries. (May 2000)
* Defense frameworks: how to wage peace while building weapons. (Feb 2000)
* Popular participation instead of corporate involvement. (Feb 2000)
* Supports Test Ban Treaty & arms control. (Feb 2000)
* Arms race is driven by corporate demand. (Feb 2000)
* F-22 aircraft is unneeded; and dangerous to fly. (Feb 2000)

Ralph Nader on Immigration
Click here for 5 full quotes on Immigration OR other candidates on Immigration OR background on Immigration.

* Don’t criminalize the border; but no open border either. (Oct 2000)
* Guest workers OK, with labor standards. (Oct 2000)
* Support democracy abroad so fewer will immigrate. (Oct 2000)
* Immigrants don’t come for welfare; restore safety net. (Jun 2000)
* Don’t blame immigrants for social and economic problems. (Jun 2000)

Ralph Nader on Jobs
Click here for 12 full quotes on Jobs OR other candidates on Jobs OR background on Jobs.

* Focus on family farms instead of large agribusiness. (Oct 2000)
* U.S. farm policy should focus on family farmers. (Sep 2000)
* Living wage spreads economic expansion to reach all areas. (Oct 2000)
* Repeal Taft-Hartley; strengthen unions. (Oct 2000)
* Unions struggle even in heart of union country. (Sep 2000)
* Vote for a union supporter, not against Republicans. (Aug 2000)
* Message to Democrats: Don’t take labor for granted. (Jul 2000)
* Raise the minimum wage immediately. (Jun 2000)
* Functional wages are falling despite economic boom. (Jun 2000)
* Top CEOs make 415 times entry wages. (Feb 2000)
* Limit executive salaries & perks. (Feb 2000)
* Student pressure can help oppressed textile workers abroad. (Aug 1999)

Ralph Nader on Principles & Values
Click here for 39 full quotes on Principles & Values OR 11 older headlines OR other candidates on Principles & Values OR background on Principles & Values.

* Republicans help get Nader on state ballots. (Jul 2004)
* Ad: Nader helped by Republican donors. (Jul 2004)
* Don't know right-wing groups helping in my campaign. (Jul 2004)
* Polls can be wrong; we're building beyond this election. (Jul 2004)
* Won't run as a Green-maybe as an independent. (Dec 2003)
* Starts 2004 Presidential Exploratory Committee. (Dec 2003)
* Decision on run to be based on Kucinich & Dean's standing. (Jul 2003)
* Political systems benefit from outside competition. (Sep 2002)
* Dems will lose until they become more progressive. (Sep 2002)
* Gore beat Gore -- look at TN, AR, and WV, not FL. (Sep 2002)
* Wants credit for a Democratic Senate in 2000 election. (Sep 2002)
* Bush intensifies contradictions and galvanizes progressives. (Sep 2002)
* Ran because unable to get hearing with president or Congress. (Sep 2002)
* Suffers from Bell's Palsy. (Sep 2002)
* Nader less spoiler than Buchanan, in state-based analysis. (Dec 2000)
* Margin of votes is less than margin of error: Toss a coin. (Nov 2000)
* Gore has only himself to blame for defeat and a bad campaign. (Nov 2000)
* Gore needed to run on more than not being George W. Bush. (Nov 2000)
* Gore has only himself to blame for defeat and a bad campaign. (Nov 2000)
* Nader-Trader: Swap Gore vote with friend in non-swing state. (Oct 2000)
* Experience to run government comes from suing most agencies. (Oct 2000)
* Attract new voters to build future party. (Oct 2000)
* Focus on broader distribution of power. (Aug 2000)
* Spoiled political system spawns spoiled candidates. (Jul 2000)
* Uses personal income as societal change agent. (Jun 2000)
* Opposes concentration of power & monied interests. (Mar 2000)
* Counter “democracy gap”: raise expectations in politics. (Feb 2000)
* New populism: citizen participation over commercialism. (Feb 2000)
* Expand agenda to voter, worker, consumer, shareholder. (Apr 1996)
* Struggle against commercialism based on priceless things. (Oct 1994)
* Sacrificed personal life because civic work is a joy. (Oct 1994)
* Power corrupts, unless it fears loss of power. (Oct 1994)
* Pushed consumer protection in “Nader’s Raiders”. (Feb 2000)
Green Party
* Waited 16 years; Dems no different than GOP about power. (Nov 2000)
* Goal is 5% of vote, to qualify Greens as a recognized party. (Oct 2000)
* Tactical voting: if Gore leads your state by 9%, vote Nader. (Oct 2000)
* Vote conscience rather than choosing between drab and dreary. (Sep 2000)
* One purpose of campaign is moving Democrats Left. (Jul 2000)
* The DemRep duopoly obstructs citizenship. (Feb 2000)

Ralph Nader on Social Security
Click here for 5 full quotes on Social Security OR other candidates on Social Security OR background on Social Security.

* Social Security is solid; pending bankruptcy is nonsense. (Sep 2000)
* Pensions controlled by people, not banks or insurers. (Feb 2000)
* Social insurance is government at its noblest. (Jan 1999)
* Social Security privatization replaces certainty with risk. (Jan 1999)
* Fears loss of retirement funds in privatized investments. (Jan 1999)

Ralph Nader on Tax Reform
Click here for 9 full quotes on Tax Reform OR other candidates on Tax Reform OR background on Tax Reform.

* Stop tax cuts and start dealing with real problems. (Jun 2003)
* Tax code loopholes benefit corporate donors & cost taxpayers. (Oct 2000)
* Sunshine on tax loopholes; sunset on tax breaks. (Oct 2000)
* Put meat in the process of progressive taxation. (Oct 2000)
* More taxpayer input into tax & spending policy. (Feb 2000)
* Tax breaks for big business hurt families. (Dec 1999)
* Tax breaks to big business unfairly hurt small business. (Apr 1999)
* Focus on under-taxation of corporations, not income tax. (Oct 1996)
* Against flat tax; keep progressivity. (Oct 1996)

Ralph Nader on Technology
Click here for 11 full quotes on Technology OR other candidates on Technology OR background on Technology.

* FCC is hapless agent in media regulation. (May 2003)
* The media needs more diversity and competition. (May 2003)
* FCC gave away $70B in airwave licenses to large corporations. (Oct 2000)
* Domain name registration needs openness to replace monopoly. (Oct 2000)
* Put all Congressional voting records on Internet. (Jun 2000)
* More free info from govt via computers & airwaves. (Feb 2000)
* Ruling against Microsoft bodes well for competition. (Nov 1999)
* Bold investment needed for public transportation. (Jul 1999)
* Microsoft is anticompetitive and anticonsumer. (Nov 1998)
* Microsoft must be stopped. (Nov 1998)
* The public owns the airwaves; express our rights. (Apr 1996)

Ralph Nader on War & Peace
Click here for 13 full quotes on War & Peace OR other candidates on War & Peace OR background on War & Peace.

* Responsible six-month withdrawal from Iraq occupation. (Jul 2004)
* Impeach Bush & Cheney for 5 falsehoods on Iraq war. (Apr 2004)
* Bush is acting as a selected dictator. (Jul 2003)
* US oil companies & Bush Admin eye Iraqi oil. (Feb 2003)
* US deserves to know the influence of the oil industry. (Feb 2003)
* Americans don't believe in Bush on Iraq. (Jan 2003)
* Palestinian statehood and security for Israel. (Sep 2002)
* Afghanistan: Bush burned down haystack to find needle. (Sep 2002)
* Wage peace and anticipate conflicts abroad. (Oct 2000)
* Should have anticipated Yugoslav breakup by “waging peace”. (Jul 2000)
* Forget “hot spots”; ask “How did we get into this?”. (Jun 2000)
* Iraq: Trade sanctions strengthen Saddam. (May 2000)
* Bosnia: Force acceptable to help against mass slaughter. (Oct 1996)

Ralph Nader on Welfare & Poverty
Click here for 12 full quotes on Welfare & Poverty OR other candidates on Welfare & Poverty OR background on Welfare & Poverty.

* Charity work is good; but politics addresses root causes. (Oct 2000)
* Attack corporate welfare kings, not poor welfare queens. (Oct 2000)
* Limit executive compensation to 30-to-1 over lowest pay. (Oct 2000)
* Domestic Marshall Plan to abolish poverty. (Oct 2000)
* Democracy can’t co-exist with gross income inequality. (Jun 2000)
* Retail malls siphon off business from central cities. (May 2000)
* Homelessness is peaking despite good economy. (May 2000)
* Big business lobbying subordinates democracy. (Feb 2000)
* Training & earned income credits are corporate subsidies. (Apr 1996)
* Severe shortage in affordable housing. (Jun 2003)
* 14M families spend half of their income on housing. (Jun 2003)
* 1.35 million children are homeless. (Jun 2003)


Michael Badnarik on Abortion
Click here for 5 full quotes on Abortion OR other candidates on Abortion OR background on Abortion.

* Veto any legislation restricting right to choose. (Aug 2004)
* Oppose government control over the abortion issue. (Aug 2004)
* Not an issue for government intrusion. (Aug 2004)
* No tax funds to pay for abortions. (Aug 2004)
* Make abortion illegal but leave it to the states. (Jul 2004)

Michael Badnarik on Budget & Economy
Click here for the full quote on Budget & Economy OR other candidates on Budget & Economy OR background on Budget & Economy.

* Base currency on gold, to avoid inflation. (Apr 2004)

Michael Badnarik on Civil Rights
Click here for 6 full quotes on Civil Rights OR other candidates on Civil Rights OR background on Civil Rights.

* Help minorities by removing barriers to self-employment. (Jul 2004)
* Let people, including gays, marry as they see fit. (Jul 2004)
* Discontinue affirmative action programs. (Jul 2004)
* The Patriot Act violates the Bill of Rights. (Jun 2004)
* Affirmative action almost as bad as slavery. (Jun 2004)
* Keep government out of bedrooms. (Jun 2004)

Michael Badnarik on Corporations
Click here for other candidates on Corporations OR background on Corporations.

No stance on record.

Michael Badnarik on Crime
Click here for 3 full quotes on Crime OR other candidates on Crime OR background on Crime.

* Restitution of victims instead of punishment of criminals. (Aug 2004)
* Require offenders to compensate their victims. (Jul 2004)
* End mandatory minimums for drug offendors. (Jun 2004)

Michael Badnarik on Drugs
Click here for 4 full quotes on Drugs OR other candidates on Drugs OR background on Drugs.

* Self-medication should be up to individuals, not government. (Jun 2004)
* Drug War also has funded terrorism. (Jun 2004)
* Block federal spending on the War on Drugs. (Jun 2004)
* War on Drugs: cure is worse than the disease. (Jun 2004)

Michael Badnarik on Education
Click here for 2 full quotes on Education OR other candidates on Education OR background on Education.

* Deregulate the schools so private solutions can work. (Aug 2004)
* Federal government should not be involved with education. (Aug 2004)

Michael Badnarik on Energy & Oil
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* End oil company subsidies & restrictions on alternatives. (Aug 2004)

Michael Badnarik on Environment
Click here for other candidates on Environment OR background on Environment.

No stance on record.

Michael Badnarik on Families & Children
Click here for other candidates on Families & Children OR background on Families & Children.

No stance on record.

Michael Badnarik on Foreign Policy
Click here for 2 full quotes on Foreign Policy OR other candidates on Foreign Policy OR background on Foreign Policy.

* Interventionist foreign policy creates enemies. (Aug 2004)
* Opposes foreign aid of any kind as non-constitutional. (Jun 2004)

Michael Badnarik on Free Trade
Click here for 5 full quotes on Free Trade OR other candidates on Free Trade OR background on Free Trade.

* WTO fosters managed trade, not free trade. (Aug 2004)
* Import tariffs make American consumers suffer. (Aug 2004)
* End all trade restrictions-that's real free trade. (Aug 2004)
* Peace and free trade are mutually dependent. (Jul 2004)
* Opposes NAFTA, GATT, and WTO. (Jul 2004)

Michael Badnarik on Government Reform
Click here for 3 full quotes on Government Reform OR other candidates on Government Reform OR background on Government Reform.

* Cut operations, cut taxes and cut spending. (Aug 2004)
* Every regulator we fire creates 150 new jobs. (Jun 2004)
* Campaign finance reform is incumbency protection. (Jun 2004)

Michael Badnarik on Gun Control
Click here for 4 full quotes on Gun Control OR other candidates on Gun Control OR background on Gun Control.

* Gun control laws are victim disarmament. (Aug 2004)
* Criminals won't prey on armed victims. (Jul 2004)
* Gun control means being able to hit your target. (Jul 2004)
* Second Amendment is not negotiable. (Jun 2004)

Michael Badnarik on Health Care
Click here for 3 full quotes on Health Care OR other candidates on Health Care OR background on Health Care.

* Tax credits for personal Health Savings Accounts. (Jul 2004)
* Health care is not a responsibility of federal government. (Jul 2004)
* Excess regulations cause high pharmaceutical prices. (Jun 2004)

Michael Badnarik on Homeland Security
Click here for 3 full quotes on Homeland Security OR other candidates on Homeland Security OR background on Homeland Security.

* Mideast hatred comes from US actions, not US lifestyle. (Jul 2004)
* Bring home all US troops from all countries. (Jun 2004)
* National DE-fense, not OF-fense, not empire-building. (Apr 2004)

Michael Badnarik on Immigration
Click here for 3 full quotes on Immigration OR other candidates on Immigration OR background on Immigration.

* Eliminate restriction on work permits. (Aug 2004)
* No welfare incentives for immigrants (or anyone). (Aug 2004)
* Open immigration based on just a criminal background check. (Aug 2004)

Michael Badnarik on Jobs
Click here for the full quote on Jobs OR other candidates on Jobs OR background on Jobs.

* Too much regulation causes job loss. (Aug 2004)

Michael Badnarik on Principles & Values
Click here for 3 full quotes on Principles & Values OR other candidates on Principles & Values OR background on Principles & Values.

* Support entire Constitution; other parties support parts. (Jun 2004)
* We believe in individual rights and personal responsibility. (Jun 2004)
* Not voting your conscience is a wasted vote. (Jun 2004)

Michael Badnarik on Social Security
Click here for the full quote on Social Security OR other candidates on Social Security OR background on Social Security.

* Let workers manage their own retirement accounts. (Jul 2004)

Michael Badnarik on Tax Reform
Click here for the full quote on Tax Reform OR other candidates on Tax Reform OR background on Tax Reform.

* Eliminate the IRS and all individual taxes. (Apr 2004)

Michael Badnarik on Technology
Click here for the full quote on Technology OR other candidates on Technology OR background on Technology.

* Continue the moratorium on Internet taxation. (Jul 2004)

Michael Badnarik on War & Peace
Click here for 2 full quotes on War & Peace OR other candidates on War & Peace OR background on War & Peace.

* More Americans are opposing Iraq War. (Jul 2004)
* Retaliating for 9/11 ok; War on Terror too vague. (Apr 2004)

Michael Badnarik on Welfare & Poverty
Click here for 2 full quotes on Welfare & Poverty OR other candidates on Welfare & Poverty OR background on Welfare & Poverty.

* Hand over all welfare to churches. (Aug 2004)
* Communities don't have rights, only individuals do. (Jun 2004)


Michael Peroutka on Abortion
Click here for 3 full quotes on Abortion OR other candidates on Abortion OR background on Abortion.

* Abortion should neither be funded nor condoned by government. (Mar 2004)
* End the national disgrace of abortion. (Jan 2004)
* Total ban on all abortions. (Jan 2004)

Michael Peroutka on Budget & Economy
Click here for other candidates on Budget & Economy OR background on Budget & Economy.

No stance on record.

Michael Peroutka on Civil Rights
Click here for 3 full quotes on Civil Rights OR other candidates on Civil Rights OR background on Civil Rights.

* God defines marriage as between a man and a woman. (Mar 2004)
* End affirmative action-no federal employment guarantees. (Mar 2004)
* Marriage is defined by God alone: a man and a woman. (Feb 2004)

Michael Peroutka on Corporations
Click here for other candidates on Corporations OR background on Corporations.

No stance on record.

Michael Peroutka on Crime
Click here for the full quote on Crime OR other candidates on Crime OR background on Crime.

* Supports death penalty & equal prosecution of minors. (Mar 2004)

Michael Peroutka on Drugs
Click here for the full quote on Drugs OR other candidates on Drugs OR background on Drugs.

* End war on drugs-replace with border security. (Mar 2004)

Michael Peroutka on Education
Click here for 3 full quotes on Education OR other candidates on Education OR background on Education.

* Federal government out of education. (Aug 2004)
* Allow children to acknowledge God in school. (Mar 2004)
* Close down the Department of Education. (Dec 2003)

Michael Peroutka on Energy & Oil
Click here for the full quote on Energy & Oil OR other candidates on Energy & Oil OR background on Energy & Oil.

* Drill ANWR; support alternative fuel; end foreign dependency. (Mar 2004)

Michael Peroutka on Environment
Click here for other candidates on Environment OR background on Environment.

No stance on record.

Michael Peroutka on Families & Children
Click here for 2 full quotes on Families & Children OR other candidates on Families & Children OR background on Families & Children.

* Stop federal attacks on the family. (Mar 2004)
* Strong families the building blocks of community. (Jan 2004)

Michael Peroutka on Foreign Policy
Click here for 2 full quotes on Foreign Policy OR other candidates on Foreign Policy OR background on Foreign Policy.

* End all foreign aid, and get out of the UN. (Mar 2004)
* End stranglehold of the New World Order. (Mar 2004)

Michael Peroutka on Free Trade
Click here for 2 full quotes on Free Trade OR other candidates on Free Trade OR background on Free Trade.

* Opposes NAFTA, GATT, and the WTO. (Apr 2004)
* Human rights records restrict trade, but not labor issues. (Apr 2004)

Michael Peroutka on Government Reform
Click here for other candidates on Government Reform OR background on Government Reform.

No stance on record.

Michael Peroutka on Gun Control
Click here for 2 full quotes on Gun Control OR other candidates on Gun Control OR background on Gun Control.

* Repeal gun restrictions and remember the Second Amendment. (Mar 2004)
* Support our God-given right of self-defense. (Feb 2004)

Michael Peroutka on Health Care
Click here for the full quote on Health Care OR other candidates on Health Care OR background on Health Care.

* Health care is not a federal responsibility. (Apr 2004)

Michael Peroutka on Homeland Security
Click here for the full quote on Homeland Security OR other candidates on Homeland Security OR background on Homeland Security.

* Greatly increase spending for missile defense. (Apr 2004)

Michael Peroutka on Immigration
Click here for 2 full quotes on Immigration OR other candidates on Immigration OR background on Immigration.

* Moratorium on immigration--expel all illegal aliens. (Mar 2004)
* Really secure our borders. (Jan 2004)

Michael Peroutka on Jobs
Click here for the full quote on Jobs OR other candidates on Jobs OR background on Jobs.

* Let the market police itself, instead of jobs programs. (Mar 2004)

Michael Peroutka on Principles & Values
Click here for 2 full quotes on Principles & Values OR other candidates on Principles & Values OR background on Principles & Values.

* Peroutka/Baldwin platform: God, Family, Republic. (Aug 2004)
* Government's purpose is to secure God-given rights. (Mar 2004)

Michael Peroutka on Social Security
Click here for the full quote on Social Security OR other candidates on Social Security OR background on Social Security.

* Mandatory Social Security is unconstitutional. (Mar 2004)

Michael Peroutka on Tax Reform
Click here for the full quote on Tax Reform OR other candidates on Tax Reform OR background on Tax Reform.

* Permanently repeal estate tax and dividend tax. (Mar 2004)

Michael Peroutka on Technology
Click here for other candidates on Technology OR background on Technology.

No stance on record.

Michael Peroutka on War & Peace
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* No intervention in Israel-Palestine, nor anywhere. (Mar 2004)
* Withdraw from Iraq-no democracy through warfare. (Mar 2004)

Michael Peroutka on Welfare & Poverty
Click here for the full quote on Welfare & Poverty OR other candidates on Welfare & Poverty OR background on Welfare & Poverty.

* Federal government out of welfare. (Aug 2004)
